Sunday, November 4, 2012

Security Issues and Social Problems

Security Concerns

            The biggest security concern that comes from social media is how secure is the information that a person is putting on the Internet. Companies that use the Internet and social media networks find it hard to control and trust employees when they are on the Internet. Situations like confidential information getting leaked to a wrong person; as well as inappropriate behavior could put the company at risk (Nesbit, 2011). There company’s owner is likely to check your Facebook and see if there is any inappropriate behavior that would be grounds for firing a person. People that use these social media have a sign agreement that gives out personal information such as address, phone number, and credit card information. Most of the time it’s hard to know who is receiving this information and if there is a third party monitoring you computer and is stealing your information.

Social Problems

            Facebook has become a huge time-waster for many Americans, which has now been recorded that it is the website where Americans spend the most time (Cain, 2012). Many sentences are now being seen with fragments and acronyms and emotion icons, also known as emoticons which are replacing how to describe how someone is feelings. Social media is starting to show that it values, “frequent communication more than meaningful communication” (Cain, 2012). On Facebook, we can like or dislike anything that gets posted on the Internet. This is very personal and can upset a person’s feelings if they receive many dislike comments or even being bullied by other people.  For many marketers and advertisers, they have noticed a shift in how communication needs to be done. Communication now has to be shorter and straight to the point. If it is not then they could lose the attention of their audience (Cain, 2012).

            Facebook and other social media help people who struggle gaining interpersonal relationships in reality to make social connections. It benefits people with low self-esteem because it allows them to open up more. They can talk before they see each other thus eliminating the first impression moment and they actually like the person for who they are (Forest, 2012). People have a hard time talking to someone face to face and with these new ways of meeting people it makes that process easier.

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